Sorella Italian Black Walnut Old Fashioned

Prepared in-house by our bartender Sean Bird.

2.5oz @Bulleit Bourbon
.5oz Sorella Nocino
4 Grams Walnut Sugar
5 Dashes Sorella Walnut Bitters
Garnish: Orange Peel, Bourbon Cherry, Walnut

In a mixing glass/tin add walnut sugar and bitters. Add bourbon, Nocino, and ice. Stir and strain into an old fashioned glass with a large ice cube. Express orange peel to bring out oils and add to cocktail. With a cocktail pick add cherry and walnut, set on edge of glass or directly in the cocktail.

All of these ingredients can be purchased however if you want to make your black walnut old fashioned unique you can make the walnut sugar, Nocino, and the walnut bitters. Links below for inspiration.

For the walnut sugar:
1 Quart Sugar
2 Cups Walnuts
Lightly toast walnuts with olive oil or butter to bring out oils. Grind walnuts with a food processor. Add to granulated sugar and vacuums seal. Let sit for 1-2 days then sift sugar with a wire strainer to remove lager chunks of walnuts. Store at room temperature.

For the bitters:

For the Nocino: